Monday, January 4, 2010

Precis Paragraph #3

Hendrik Hertzberg, New Yorker Article "UM PATHETIC" 2010 evaluated the issue that is brewing over the Health Care Reform. Hertzberg used many anecdotes to prove what he meant when he was reflecting on the war of Health care right now. He quoted JFK view on the issue before he died and that JFK also have the same view Barrack Obama held, Many people condemned Obama and what he believed in which is providing universal Health care which the statistics backed up that it will put the economy in serious Jeopardy. Hertberg claim that it is pathetic seems to be his purpose and his audience seems to be middle age adults with questions about Health Care.

Application Question: Do you Support the Current Health Care Bill? Why or Why not.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Outliers Chunk #3

In Malcolm Gladwell's final one hundred pages in outliers he analyze the effect of cultural legacy on an individual success. Malcolm Gladwell concluded that a pilot's success is based on what country he is from. For example a pilot from a high power-power distance culture will have significantly less success than a pilot who come from a low power distance country because the pilots from a high power distance country see some people as superior than themselves and it is terrible to have that in the cockpit because if something bad was to happen it is better to have someone that sees everyone as equals than to have someone who sees the "captain" as his master. Gladwell gave us a brief outline on the reasons why planes crash. A minor technical malfunction;bad weather;and a tired pilot all at the same time contributes to the crash of an airplane. Malcolm Gladwell continued by giving his audience the reason why Asians are good at math. He first explained that working on rice fields takes a lot of hardwork and many asians do not mind the extra hours needed to study. Gladwell went on to explain that since chinese number system is easier than America's number system and for this reason chinese kids learn how to count faster and because math is easier to them they tend work harder and do their homework and because their number system is easier they get a head start in learning math. Gladwell explained chinese thinking by revealing some quotes held by chinese citizens. For example "no food without blood and tears" and also "No one can rise before dawn three hundred and sixty days a year fails to make his family rich". Gladwell tells his audience that asians excel at math because they are willing to work hard just like their ancestors who work in the rice paddies. To conclude his book Gladwell shares with his audience the school called KIPP (which adopted chinese way of thinking) the school works its kids from 7:25 a.m to 5:00 pm. Gladwell claim that this is a bargain because 80% of KIPP's students attend college. The prologue of Malcolm Gladwell's book highlights his mom's success story like every other success story mentioned in this book, the individual receives some kind of unusual opportinity and he or she seizes it. The audience and tone was constant throughout the book. The audience might be mid-age adults and the tone was simply explanatory.
Classification question: Where does America rank in the PDI?

Application Question: Why does the color of the skin matter to some people?

Precis Paragraph #2

Rupert Murdoch 2009 Opinion Piece in Time Magazine, Journalism and freedom argues that some people might think that the future of the News paper is at Risk but he beliefs the opposite. Murdoch beliefs that many editors do not want to fight the power of technology. Murdoch later named the reasons why News business on newspapers will prosper, Murdoch suggests that companies can charge for information on the internet and he argues that people will actually pay for it depending on what information was given to them. Murdoch is a CEO of a News Corp which explains his views. This article was written before the Federal Trade Commission's workshop on journalism and the Internet. Obviously his audiences are Journalists , editors or other political figures. Murdoch uses a more conservative tone to reflect his opinions to his audiences.

Application Question? Is the increasing development of technology a Good or a bad thing?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chunk #2 Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell, In the second hundred pages of his book Outliers continued his explanation of Success. He started by comparing Robert Oppenheimer to Chris Langan claiming that Robert Oppenheimer had Practical Intelligence and Chris Langan lacked it because Oppenheimer was Rich and Langan was poor also Langan never learned the skills from his parents to effectively communicate with adults without any intimidation. Malcolm Gladwell is saying that Oppenheimer was more successful and respected than Langan because of his social status not because Oppenheimer was smarter. He concluded that after the termites experiment, The "failures" were from poor families and the true success stories were from rich families. He continued by introducing Joe Flom a Successful lawyer and explained to his audience that because Joe Flom was Jewish and because he was a poor immigrant he was able to become a successful lawyer because he learned a valuable skill. Because of the ADVANTAGE of being a Jewish Immigrant. He explained that in Order to be a successful lawyer you need to be born at certain time which is the 1930s and descendants of a particular race which is Jewish in order to be successful. Gladwell continue to argue that our ancestors have a big impact on we react to brewing issues by giving examples of the southerners and how quickly they are to show what is known as the culture of honor. He concluded by showing his audience how planes crash, he claims that it is the result of non communication. Both his audience and purpose are unchanged from the first one hundred pages of the book.

Clarification Question? Why is Robert Oppenheimer more successful than Chris Langan?

Application Question? What do you think is the advantage for our generation?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Non Fiction Opinion Piece Week 1

Rick Riley's Sport's Illustrated Magazine Article No Doubt About It (Dec 13 2004) used a sarcastic, humorous tone to show what was being said and what he believed by using the Anaphora "I believe" many times. He first started with Bary Bonds allegedly use of steroids then he continued by highlighting other important events in sports such as Marion Jones use of Steroids, Carmelo Anthony's Possesion of Weed and Ron Artest not willing to hurt somebody. He also mentioned president's Clinton fidelity problem. Riley said "And I believe reindeer fly,President Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, and Rogaine really can regrow your hair." Highlighting the humorous and sarcastic tone he uses. Riley seems to show displeasure on the people and the things we often look up to implying on how tired he is of hearing lies from our "so called idols". His audience is obviously all sports fan because of all the reference he made to then current sporting events.

Application Question: Do you an Idol is important in the development of a child?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First Precis Paragraph questions

Application question: Regarding A success , which do you think plays a bigger role, The Person's fate or the Person's free will?

Clarification question? What is the difference between the selection of basketball players in America and the selection of Hockey players in Canada?

First Precis Paragraph to Outliers

In the first 100 pages in The nonfiction book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, He proposed a different view of success and how people become successful. His argument began by providing an example of a Junior hockey team and he gives his audience what they all have in common. The majority of the players in the Junior hockey team was born in the month of January, February and March that is because the cut off date to join a team is January 1st, so those who was born in the earlier part of the year has an advantage of more practice hours and more physical developments than those kids who were born in the later part of the year. Gladwell initiates that the best of the Hockey players did not become the best because of their talent but rather because of their birth months. Gladwell later continued his theory of success by providing examples of "The 10,000-Hour Rule" by giving examples of Computer Geniuses, for example Bill Joy and Bill Gates and because of unusual opportunities, they were all able to get 10,000 hours of practice. Gladwell continues to give examples of successful people who were able to get 10,000 hours of practice due to lucky opportunities that was put before them, he gave example of The Beatles, Mozart, Elite young violin players (Gladwell did not however explained the unusual opportunities that they was given to the violin players but they are however on a rate to practice for 10,000 hours). Gladwell went to state that some people became successful because of the year they was born by giving valid evidence to support his idea. The Majority of Successful computer programers was born between 1953-1957 and the Majority of successful billionaires in the nineteenth century was born in the decade of the 1830s. The First 100 pages concluded with the chapter labeled "The Troubled with Geniuses" the chapter highlighted Chris Langan has its main subject but Gladwell transitioned to questioning IQ testing and the S.A.T and he claims IQ testing doesn't matter as long as a person is smart enough to do something his IQ is irrelevant. He reasoned this by comparing it to basketball, Gladwell says as long as you are tall enough to play basketball then you skills becomes accounted for. So far his purpose seems that he wants to provide a different way we see success and his audience might be a more mature not relatively 11th graders but middle age adults whom view success in broad manner and without putting too much thought in it.