Saturday, December 26, 2009

Non Fiction Opinion Piece Week 1

Rick Riley's Sport's Illustrated Magazine Article No Doubt About It (Dec 13 2004) used a sarcastic, humorous tone to show what was being said and what he believed by using the Anaphora "I believe" many times. He first started with Bary Bonds allegedly use of steroids then he continued by highlighting other important events in sports such as Marion Jones use of Steroids, Carmelo Anthony's Possesion of Weed and Ron Artest not willing to hurt somebody. He also mentioned president's Clinton fidelity problem. Riley said "And I believe reindeer fly,President Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, and Rogaine really can regrow your hair." Highlighting the humorous and sarcastic tone he uses. Riley seems to show displeasure on the people and the things we often look up to implying on how tired he is of hearing lies from our "so called idols". His audience is obviously all sports fan because of all the reference he made to then current sporting events.

Application Question: Do you an Idol is important in the development of a child?


  1. Dare I do think having an idol is important in the development of a child.I dont believe that its mandatory to have one.But it could only help the child not hurt them.For example my brother...You know who im talking about just think if my brother had an idol he problably wouldnt be as bad as he is.He could actually be someone one day if he had an idol to lead him down the right path.But then that's kinda what parents are for,to be their kids idols.Maybe it just depends on how the child is raised and what enviornment they were brought up in.

  2. I do think having an idol is important in the development of a child and it is up to the parents to make some kind of effort to make sure that idol will have a positive influence on that child's life. An idol with a negative influence on a child will lead to chaos because he/she will be going around making the same mistakes that the idol made. Idols could actually shape a child's future and mindstates, that's why its important for the parents to make sure their child isn't exposed to anything or anyone that could potentially put their child in harm.
